Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How to Pick a Broker Dealer the Right Way

To participate in that world, investors generally engage the services of a broker or dealer in some form or fashion, making a review of those terms an interesting place to begin exploring.
Brokers and dealers are the U.S. regulatory terms and, as is often the case with legal terms, they are not very intuitive to many people. While the words are often seen together, they actually represent two different entities. A broker executes orders on behalf of clients. To the regulators, this means the entity through which investors hold a brokerage account. To investors, it generally means the person who helps them buy and sell securities. A bit of confusion occurs here, as the industry also has lots of terms for a person who helps investors buy and sell securities, including financial advisor, investment advisor, and registered representative. For the moment, we’ll stick with the strict legal definitions to provide a baseline for further exploration.
Think of the legal entity that facilitates security trading as an agent acting on behalf of investors. When you want to buy or sell a security, the entity (in the case of online brokerage accounts for example) that helps you make that transaction is your agent. When you pay a commission to make a trade, you are making that payment to an agent. The terms agent and broker can be used interchangeably.

Infrastructure as a Service Pros and Cons

What is IaaS?
You may have heard about IaaS, infrastructure as a service as one of the three cloud server structures in cloud services.
Iaas is a cloud service that provides computing, storage, and more…
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is a form of cloud computing that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet.
IaaS is one of the three main categories of cloud computing services, alongside software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS).
So what is IaaS? With IaaS, you are basically treating Data Centre resources like a utility.
It provides virtualized hardware to give access to computer storage and network resources. And you have ability to configure it, your way. You can request a new virtual machine when you want it, close it down when you are finished with it and you pay for what you use.

Reasons Why You Can’t Ignore Hybrid Cloud

What exactly is a Hybrid Cloud?
It is a cloud computing environment that operates on a combination of services of both private cloud and public cloud with the process of orchestration.
It helps in moving the data from private to public or vice versa as per the requirements in terms of cost, time and demand. The Greatest Advantage of Hybrid Cloud is “flexibility in data handling and proper deployment of data” in the business and workflow processes towards dealing with data.
In the hybrid cloud, the setup requires compatibility between the private and public cloud.

These Business Processes could be Automated by RPA

What is RPA?
The process of automating business operations with the help of robots to reduce human intervention is said to be Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
Robotic process automation (RPA) is an emerging form of clerical process automation technology based on the notion of software robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers.
If I have to elaborate on each of these terms one by one, then Robotics entities, which mimic human actions are called Robots.
A process is a sequence of steps which lead to meaningful activity. For example, the process of making tea or your favorite dish, etc.
Automation is any process which is done by a robot without human intervention.
So, when we summarize all these terms together, then mimicking human actions to perform a sequence of steps, leading to meaningful activity, without any human intervention is also known as Robotic Process Automation.

What you Need to Know about AML and KYC in the Banking Sector

What is AML?
AML stands for “Anti-money Laundering.” It is a set of procedures, laws, or regulations created to stop the practice of generating income through illegal actions.
Many cases, there are money launderers hiding their actions through many steps that make it look like money coming from illegal or unethical sources portrayed to look earned legitimately.

What is KYC?
Know your customer (KYC) refers to due diligence activities that financial institutions and other regulated companies must perform to grasp relevant information from their clients for the purpose of doing business with them.
KYC is also a term used to refer to the bank regulation which governs these activities. Know Your Customer processes are also employed by companies of all sizes for the purpose of ensuring their proposed agents’, consultants’ or distributors’ anti-bribery compliance.